Earn extra cash by renting out your boat. We assist you in every step of the rental process and keep you up to date with various suggestions and improvements to boost your income
You can manage customer’s booking requests and have the ability to approve requests as per your convenience. Take control of the information regarding the boat, pricing details and earning report
We adhere to proper regulations and have a fair cancellation policy, making sure that both the owners and renters are satisfied.
You are protected with insurance coverage for damage (or) theft of a boat for up to $---. We provide you safety by screening the renters and making them verify their identification details before being able to make a reservation
Enjoy the freedom of renting your boat by setting your own price along with the daily base mileage limit. Our 24/7 customer support is there to assist in every step of the renting process.
Seamless payment systems, huge inventory of boat and easy check-in processes make the boat-sharing environment simple and safe. It keeps the user engaged, making the process of booking easier and faster
boat sharing platform makes the boat owners feel more assured about renting out their boat and double their incomes. On the other hand it stabilizes the pricing algorithm and ensures renter's satisfaction.